2016 - VIDIANO

Vidiano - PGE - trocken - 0.75 l
Minos Cretan Wines SA - Griechenland Kreta

Vielschichtiger, komplexer Vidiano – mit jugendlichen, frischen, exotischen Aromen und mit einem perfekten Match aus Mineralität und Säure, unterstützt von reifer Phenolik. (M.Darting)

Auszeichnung:Grand Gold (96 PAR Punkte) Bewertungsbogen nach PAR
PAR Weinpreis Griechenland 2017

Alkohol in vol.%:12,50
Restzucker in g/l:1,41
Säure in g/l:6,15
Ertrag in hl/ha:80,00
Extrakt (zuckerfrei) in g/l:0,99
Schwefel freie/ges. in mg/l:25/94

Rosmarinfladenbrot mit frischem Olivenöl und gegrilltem mediteranen Gemüse mit Fischrogen und Tsaziki. (M.Darting)

The winery is located at the centre of the main viniculture area of Crete, Peza, 17 km to the north of Heraklion and 5km away from the Minoan wine press of Vathypetros. Its story starts in the middle of 19th century with main landmark Antonakis Inn, in Peza. There, travellers had the chance to refresh themselves and their animals during the trip from and to the “Chora” (Capital) at times when its gates were closed during the night. It was a chance to taste a hot meal and a glass of wine. The company acquired a Legal form in 1932 and was established as a model unit of production-winemaking. The first wine bottling on the island was attempted successfully by MINOS in 1952. It added the element of “Exporting Company” to its name as its overseas clients started trading MINOS bottled wine instead of house wine. Thanks to MINOS¢ efforts, the wider Peza area is recognized as an Appellation of Origin of Superior Quality, as much for the White wines from Vilana variety as for its Reds, from Kotsifali and Mandilari. Since then and up to date the company deals exclusively with bottled quality wine aiming to a continuous improvement of its product as well as the presentation of new aspects of the Cretan vineyard.